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  NAME RECORD (#13709)                                  
Last First Middle Marriage
Strong Eunice/Unice Strong
Date Town State Country
Date Town State Country
Marriage (1)
# click First Name Middle Name Last Name Marriage Name MarriageDate MarriageTown MarriageState MarriageCountry
1 link Bela, fl.1772 Strong
Children (6)
# click First Name Middle Name Last Name Marriage Name Birthdate
1 link Mary, bap.1756 Strong Goodrich
2 link Eunice, bap.1761 Strong Cowles
3 link Bela, Jr., bapt. 1764 Strong
4 link Rachel, bap.1767 Strong
5 link John Strong
6 link Asahel, d.1775 Strong
Date Town State Country Cemetery Cemetery Town Cemetery State Cemetery Country Obit File
Notes (1)
# Note
1 Unknown maiden name.
Sources BPLH Room Card Catalog Notes

SEARCH RESULTS for 'g' (4586 records found.)
# click First Name Middle Name Last Name Marriage Name Birthdate Birth Town Birth State Birth Country Death Date
4201 details Charles M., d.1922 Strong 1922/07/11
4202 details Cyprian, Rev. Strong
4203 details Eunice Strong Fenn 1807/08/12
4204 details Eunice, bap.1761 Strong Cowles
4205 details Eunice/Unice Strong Strong
4206 details Frank, fl.1876 Strong
4207 details Franklin, d.1887 Strong 1887/04/19
4208 details Hattie A., d.1925 Strong Strong 1925/04/27
4209 details Helen A., d.1853 Strong 1853/10/12
4210 details Henry A. Strong 1929/02/23
4211 details Hewett Strong
4212 details Huit/Hewit, Dea. Strong 1767/08/21
4213 details Jedediah Strong
4214 details John Strong
4215 details Julia A., d.1848 Strong 1848/10/06
4216 details Leroy F., fl.1905 Strong
4217 details Lewis Strong
4218 details Lillian, fl.1876 Strong Strong
4219 details Lois, bap.1771 Strong
4220 details Lucy, mar.1756 Strong Winchel
4221 details Mary Strong Strong
4222 details Mary, bap.1756 Strong goodrich
4223 details Mary, fl.1712 Strong Peck
4224 details Mary, Mrs. Strong Strong
4225 details Nellie L. Strong 1912/02/14
4226 details Rachel, bap.1767 Strong
4227 details Ruel, 1809-1870 Strong 1809/12/17 1870/12/27
4228 details Sarah, d.1775 Strong Strong 1775/10/22
4229 details William K., d.1868 Strong 1868/10/21
4230 details Inglis Stuart 1859//
4231 details Edward P. Sturges
4232 details Emma Sugden Bartram 1830/10/10 Cromwell CT USA 1898/01/03
4233 details Alice Sundberg Nazzareno
4234 details Anna L. Sundberg Stevens
4235 details Frederick Sundberg
4236 details Kathleen Sundberg
4237 details Michael Sundberg
4238 details Patricia Sundberg Kiriluk
4239 details Frederick Sundberg, Jr.
4240 details Theresa Sunquist Berg
4241 details Irving H. Suprenant
4242 details Angela Surko Litke
4243 details george A. Sutton 1859/07/24
4244 details Anna Swanson Dahlgren
4245 details gertrude J. Swanson Anderson Mjoback Sweden 1995/08/25
4246 details Sigrid Swanson Ahlquist
4247 details Abigail Clark Sweet 1815/03/26 Kensington CT USA
4248 details Aldona Sylvester Zigas
4249 details Margaret Sylvester Farone
4250 details Florence E. Sytulek greene NEW Britain CT USA 2017/03/20

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